
RO:    Postarea asta trebuia să se întâmple acum muuulta vreme, dar am întâmpinat niște probleme.  
 În orice caz, rochița asta este foarte adorabilă, am primit ceva complimente cât am purtat-o, și ador cum arată în combinație cu florile de pe coroniță  .
Vă las în continuare cu pozele și aștept părerile voastre mai jos. Pupici! 
Ne vedem pe Facebook si Instagram.


ENG  This outfit post is looong overdue. First of all I want to apologize for the quality of the pictures, it's not the best. Secondly, it took me literally FOREVER to shoot this OOTD for various reasons: the flower crown I am wearing here was purchased online and took 2 months to arrive!!! (and I really wanted to pair the dress with the crown) When it finally did arrive, the weather was super hot and because this dress is made out of a pretty thick material, I waited for a more breezy day. I want to thank Sheinside for sponsoring the dress, and also apologize to them for making them wait so long. 
About the dress: I got so many compliments on it, my girl friends love it and so do I. The embroidery and pearly details are just amazing and I love the color.
Be sure to let me know what you think of this outfit in the comment section below. Hugs~
See you on Facebook and Instagram.

Rochie / dress courtesy of Sheinsidecoroniță / flower crown - Ebay 


Color me RED fashion blog - one girl, many outfits.

Love, Roxx~