Stradivarius dress
Random brand jacket
Miss Alina boots
Gifted belt, rivet bracelet and silver bracelet
Romwe ball bracelet
Necklace and ring - ebay
About my outfit: I received this awesome belt when I was in 9th grade (omg, like 7 years ago*gasps*) and I loved it so much. I wore it so frequently but then skinny belts became the trend so I kinda forgot about it.
I found it like 2 days ago, stuffed into a bag full with belts and decided to take it out and wear it.
I have been wanting to dress like this for some time now but it was way too cold outside. But it has been warmer the last couple of days and finally! I wore my gorgeous mullet dress in the fall. I know it's very simple but the fact that it's such a beautiful and rich red makes me like it so much.
It was also very sunny and I wore my Lennon sunglasses as well. From Ebay.
I don't think it's noticeable in these pics but I had such a red face today!
I seem to be having an allergic reaction to something (I ate probably) but I have no idea what!
Yesterday when I was at school my arms and back started itching like crazy and this morning when I woke up, I saw my cheeks and nose so red!
I took today an antihistaminic and hopefully I'll get better.
You're gorgeous and red suits you so well! Just started following you via bloglovin, follow me back when you get a chance :].