Grey matter

RO: Am o luna de cand mi-am cumparat acest pulover si de atunci a fost cel mai purtat obiect vestimentar din garderoba. Cand nu stiu cu ce sa ma imbrac, sau cand ma grabesc, mereu apelez la el (faptul ca e foarte versatil ajuta foarte mult).
Sper sa aveti o saptamana minunata!


ENG: Ever since I scored this sweater at the sales, it has been my go-to clothing piece (and the fact that it's very versatile is such a plus). I wanted to showcase a full grey outfit but the little red beanie just worked perfectly. I hope you all have a perfect week!

Pulover / sweater - New Yorker | blugi / jeans - Takko Fashion | ghete / boots - New Look | caciula, inel si colier / beanie, ring and necklace - Ebay | bratari / bracelets courtesy of MAXNINA 


Color me RED fashion blog - one girl, many outfits.

Love, Roxx~